
Hi! Thanks for visiting my website!

I’m Sarah, I’m an artist combining upholstery skills and art-history knowledge to create unique art-informed chairs and chair-based works. Some of the chairs I create are functional, others are not but there are always layers of meaning ... that's why I chose the name ARt ChaiRs!

I'm currently working from home in the historic town of Belper, Derbyshire, UK. 


I REUPHOLSTER old chairs and footstools, responding to each individual chair to create something unique, quirky, perhaps weird! They are for sale online or in person from my studio.

I like to use utilitarian upholstery webbing as a decorative feature in my work, usually it is tucked away doing the structural support work, underneath all the other layers of upholstery, to me it symbolises 'hidden strength'. 

I’m able to create unique designs for digitally printed fabric, scaled to fit a particular chair. I often use botanical subjects for this which have a direct relationship to the human body and medicine/herbalism.

And … I am developing an art practice around old chair frames many of which I find  SCULPTURAL.
A chair echoes and supports the human body, physically ... but also emotionally.
I'm using assemblage, photography, thread, fabric, words, poetry ... to explore and develop my ideas.

I'm focusing on a number of my own projects at the moment 
and so at present cannot take on new reupholstery commissions.

Please have a browse around my gallery photos, my blogs and my shop and please do contact me if you'd like more information, would like to visit the studio, want to check some details before making a purchase or if you have any other queries.
© ARt ChaiRs. All rights reserved.